September 2012
1. Internet site with information about project and partners presentation (done)
2. Information about project in every partner website
October 2012
3. Documentation about each country methods of theatrical working and/ or experiences in working with the vulnerable groups
4. Theatrical Workshop
November 2012
5. Networking tools and communication system
6. Dissemination plan
December 2012
7. Preparation and dissemination information about project (by internet sites, posters and flyers)
8. Recruiting for project's intergenerational theatrical groups in each involved country
January 2013
9. Start working in tandems
May 2013
10. Workshop about an interactive theater piece based on the exploitation of European Tales and oral tradition
11. SOS Portuguese Language Course for all the partners
December 2013
12. Participants finish working in tandems
February 2014
13. Design of the promotional material for the final conference, collection of the project documentation
Workshop: presentation of tandem plays
April 2014
14. Book about myths, theatre and project aims
May 2014
15. Final conference
16. Workshop: presentation of plays
July 2014
17. Final report for the National Agencies
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.