1. The internet site of the project

2. The evaluation form

3. Presentation about the project TELL ME

4. Facebook internet site: www.facebook.com/pages/Grundtvig-Project-TELL-ME

5. 1st partner meeting report

6. Descriptions of the theatratical experiences of the partners

7. 1st newsletter

8.  Lower silesian legends and myths a spectacle U3A in Wroclaw (part 1) 28.01.2013 photos   program

9. 2nd partner meeting report

10. Lower silesian legends and myths a spectacle U3A in Wroclaw (part 2) 10.06.2013  film

11. Leaflet online document

12. Mulimedia workshop for seniors UTA in Wroclaw February- Mai 2013 presentation

13. Workshops in Amsterdam photos

14. Workshops in Ferrara  photos

15. The book

16. Final evaluation report

17. 3rd activity report

18. 3rd evaluation report

19. TELL ME buster movie

20. Activity Report of Final Conference


This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.